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eFiling Training Guide


Welcome to eFiling
An eFiling account is no longer required to use DOB NOW. Go directly to DOB NOW and select Create Account to access DOB NOW. Visit DOB NOW Tips for more information including how to make changes to your DOB NOW account.

If you are a new user that requires access to eFiling/eSubmit or a new Registered Architect/Professional Engineer that needs a PIN to use DOB NOW: Inspections, select the Register link below.


  Email Address:
  Password: Forgot your password?
Click here to reset it!

Register for electronic filing.
  Major Construction
  Development Hub
    Major Alterations
    New Buildings
  Other Filings
   Hub Full-Service
   •  Standard Plan or Professional Certification of
       Objections (NB, Alt1, Alt2, Alt3)
   Hub Self-Service
   •  Professionally Certified Applications
       (NB, Alt1, Alt2, Alt3)
  Express Cashier Payments
   PAA Fees
   Records Management Fees
   Other Fees
  Manage Your Account
  Add License Type
  User Guides: Development Hub Hub Full-Service Hub Self-Service
  Resources: NYC Development Hub Building Information Search